Physics 202: General Physics II       Class Log

Class Schedule: T Th 11am-12:25pm; M 1pm- 1:55pm Professor: Steve Liebling
Classroom: TC-4 Office:  Technology Center TC-23
Text: Halliday and Resnick's Fundamentals of Physics 6th Edition Office Hours: M 2-4pm; Th 3-4pm
Web: Phone: 287-8413

Course Objective: Students will learn the principles and applications of electromagnetism through classroom lectures, problem solving sessions, and laboratory work.  Student knowledge will be evaluated through the use of quizzes and tests. Ultimately, this class should improve your: Grading Policy:
Quizzes 25%
Test 1  
Test 2 25% Each for 2 Tests
Test 3  
Final Exam 25%
Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit or extra credit papers, Do the homework and take the quizzes and tests.
Labs: The lab for Physics II (PHYS 202L) is required for this class but the grade is separate.

Homework: Homework assignments will be presented in class and will generally consist of problems from the required text. The homeworks will not be graded. Instead, quizzes will cover the material and problem solving skills. Even though the homework will not be graded, the homework problems must be done in order to gain mastery of the material and skills necessary for both the quizzes and tests.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be roughly 20 minutes long given in class and will cover the current material. I will drop your two lowest quiz grades to allow for bad weeks and/or absences.

Tests: The class will have three tests as indicated on the syllabus. Each test will cover the material presented since the previous test (to be technical, much of what we will learn applies throughout all the chapters, however, the questions will be geared towards specifically covering material presented between the tests). I will allow the full classtime for the tests. I will drop the lowest test grade, so that each of your two best test scores counts 25% towards your final grade.

Final: The final will cover only the material since the last test, and will be held during the time dictated by the Registrar during Exam Week.

Cheating: You are encouraged to work on homework problems with others. However, you must work alone on quizzes and tests. On quizzes and exams you may use only a calculator and writing utensils; I will give you an equation sheet for the exams and extra scrap paper.

Regarding This Handout: This document is dynamic and will be updated online throughout the semester. If you have any problems accessing this document (from home or the on-campus computer labs), please do not hesitate to contact me right away and I can help figure out the problem. Also, I've set up an electronic mailing list: which I encourage everyone in the class to join.

Other Resources: tutors, library books, office hours, supplemental texts (see in the Preface page ix), consult the web page: How to Study Physics.

Syllabus: Below is the anticipated schedule of what we'll cover. The dates of the tests are fixed; on principle I do not change them so that students can plan for them. Near the end of the semester, I generally have flexibility in what we cover. If you have a preference for what we might cover, please feel free to provide feedback.

Week 1 Sept. 8 Electric Charge   Course Overview; Ch. 22
Sept. 9   Ch. 22
Sept. 11 Electric Fields   Ch. 23
Week 2 Sept. 15   Ch. 23
Sept. 16   Ch. 23
Sept. 18 Gauss' Law   Ch. 24
Week 3 Sept. 22   Ch. 24
Sept. 23   Ch. 24
Sept. 25 Electric Potential Ch. 25
Week 4 Sept. 29   Ch. 25
Sept. 30   Ch. 25
Oct. 2   Test 1 (Ch. 22-25)
Week 5 Oct. 6   No Class (Yom Kippur)
Oct. 7 Capacitance   Ch. 26 
Oct. 9   Ch. 26
Week 6 Oct. 13   Ch. 26  
Oct. 14 Current & Resistance   Ch. 27
Oct. 16   Ch. 27
Week 7 Oct. 20   Ch. 27
Oct. 21 Circuits   Ch. 28
Oct. 23   Ch. 28
Week 8 Oct. 27   Ch. 28
Oct. 28   Test 2 (Ch. 26-28)
Oct. 30 Magnetic Fields   Ch. 29  
Week 9 Nov. 3   Ch. 29
Nov. 4   Ch. 29
Nov. 6 Magnetic Fields Due to Currents  Ch. 30
Week 10 Nov. 10   Ch. 30
Nov. 11   Ch. 30
Nov. 13 Induction   Ch. 31
Week 11 Nov. 17   Ch. 31
Nov. 18   Ch. 31
Nov. 20   Test 3 (Ch. 29-31)
Week 12 Nov. 24 Oscillations and AC   Ch. 33
Nov. 25   Ch. 33  
Nov. 27   NO CLASS (Thanksgiving Day)
Week 13 Dec. 1 Waves   Ch. 34  
Dec. 2   Ch. 34
Dec. 4 Optics   Ch. 35
Week 14 Dec. 8   Ch. 35
Dec. 9   Ch. 35
Dec. 11   Review  
Week 15 Tuesday Dec 16 Noon   FINAL EXAM (Ch. 33-35)

Last updated August 15, 2003.
Steve Liebling (home)