AST 301 Projects

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The goal behind the project is for you to investigate and answer an astrophysical question. To that end, you are expected to present your research to the class. The presentation can take a variety of forms, such as a formal presentation to the class, a video clip, a web page the class can read. The conventional route might be something along the lines of a PowerPoint presentation but I don't want to restrict your creativity. You can work by yourself or in groups with a maximum of three people.

The project consists of three steps each with its own due date: Your grade for the project will be based on your creativity, the quality of the research, the thoroughness of the paper, and the appeal of your presentation. The work you turn in must be that of your group only. References used must be adequately cited, and verbatim quotes must be identified as such. The weights of your total project grade are shown above. Those sum to only 90%...the remainder is for participating in the discussion of the projects. I don't want to be the only one asking questions.

Sample Project Ideas

Straight Astronomy

Interdisciplinary Astronomy


Public Policy and Astronomy/Science

Science in General

Good References

It's hard to write generally about which sources are good ones since these projects can span quite a range. However, here are some general guidelines:
Last updated Oct. 7, 2010.
Steve Liebling (home)