AST 301: Our Violent Universe I

Class Schedule: M W 9:30am-12:20pm Professor: Steve Liebling
Classroom: Pell Hall 230 Office:  Pell Hall 210
Text: Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, & Voit: The Cosmic Perspective (6th Edition) Office Hours: Mon Wed 1:00-2:00pm
Web: Phone: 299-3439
Course Credit: 4 credit-hours   Prerequisites: high-school algebra Email:

Course Description: A broad survey of astronomy is presented, including aspects of astrophysics and cosmology, with minimal use of mathematics. Topics include the history of astronomy, the solar system, stellar evolution, and the large scale structure of the Universe. The course will also serve as an introduction to basic topics including gravity and light. The quesiton of mankind's place in the Universe as well as the importance of scientific inquiry will be addressed.

Course Objectives:

Grading Policy: Grades will basically follow the traditional divisions at 90% (A or A-), 80% (B+, B, B-), 70% (C+, C, C-), and 60% (D), with minimal adjustments based on how the class proceeds.
Labwork 15%
Quizzes & Homework 15%
Classroom Participation 10%
Test 1 20%  
Test 2 20%
Final Exam 20%

Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit or extra credit papers, Do the homework, labs, and take the quizzes and tests. As the semester progresses, there is less and less to be done to increase your grade.

Class Participation: Everyone starts with 90%. Subtractions are made for being disruptive (excessive talking, ringing phones, being late, etc) as well as excessive absences. Additions are made for contributing (questions or answers) to class discussions.

Homework: Homework will be assigned in class, usually every week or two. Often the homework will consist of assignments from the publisher's class web page

Quizzes: The online, "basic" quizzes for each chapter that we cover is due by the date of the test which covers that chapter. You will be responsible for taking these quizzes online (and outside of class) before the deadline.

Labs: This class has an integral lab component which counts toward your grade for the course. We will have various types of labs: computer labs, DIY labs at home, observations, and in class labs.

Tests: The class will have two tests on the dates indicated on the syllabus. The tests will be given during classtime.

Final: The final will be held at the time dictated by the Registrar during Exam Week.

Academic Honesty: You are encouraged to work on homework problems with others. However, you must work alone on quizzes and tests. On quizzes and exams you may use only a calculator and writing utensils (no cell phones, PDAs, etc). All the work you turn in must be your own.

Other Resources: Tutors, library books, office hours, supplemental texts, and study groups.

Syllabus: Below is the anticipated schedule of what we'll cover. The dates of the tests are fixed; on principle I do not change them so that students can plan for them. Near the end of the semester, I generally have flexibility in what we cover. If you have a preference for what we might cover, please feel free to provide feedback.

Week 1 Sept. 3   Course Overview
Week 2 Sept. 8 Our Place in the Universe   Ch. 1  
Sept. 10 Discovering the Universe for Yourself   Ch. 2  
Week 3 Sept. 15   Ch. 2 
Sept. 17 The Science of Astronomy   Ch. 3  
Week 4 Sept. 22 Making Sense of the Universe   Ch. 4  
Sept. 24   Review 
Week 5 Sept. 29 Test 1  Test 1 
Oct. 1 Light and Matter  Ch. 5  
Week 6 Oct. 6   Ch. 5  
Oct. 8 Telescopes  Ch. 5  
Week 7 Oct. 13 NO Class   Columbus Day 
Oct. 15 Our Star  Ch. 14  
Week 8 Oct. 20   Ch. 14  
Oct. 22 Surveying the Stars  Ch. 15  
Week 9 Oct. 27 Star Birth  Ch. 16  
Oct. 29   Chs. 15 & 16  
Week 10 Nov. 3 Star Stuff  Ch. 17  
Nov. 5     Ch. 17  
Week 11 Nov. 10. Test 2 Test 2
Nov. 12 The Bizarre Stellar Graveyard  Ch. 18  
Week 12 Nov. 17   Ch. 18  
Nov. 19 Our Galaxy  Ch. 19  
Week 13 Nov. 24 Online Assignment   Watch movie online and discuss on Blackboard  
Nov. 26 NO CLASS   Thanksgiving 
Week 14 Dec. 1 Galaxies and the Foundation of Modern Cosmology  Ch. 20  
Dec. 3 Galaxy Evolution   Ch. 21      
Week 15 Dec. 8   Catch-up and review   
Week 16 Dec. 12-18 Final Exam   Final Exam  

Last updated Aug. 14, 2014.
Steve Liebling (home)