MTH 19: Basic Statistics       Class Log

Class Schedule: W 5:45pm-8:25pm Professor: Steve Liebling
Classroom: Pell Hall 302 Office:  Pell Hall 210
Text: Brase and Brase's Understandable Statistics 7th Edition Office Hours: Tue Thurs 2-3pm
Web: Phone: 299-3439

Course Objective: This course is directed toward understanding and interpreting numerical data. Topics covered include: descriptive statistics, regression, correclation, sampling techniques and elements of inferential statistics.

Grading Policy:

Project 5%
Quizzes 17%
Classroom Participation 3%
Test 1 25%  
Test 2 25%
Final Exam 25%
Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit or extra credit papers, Do the homework, project, and take the quizzes and tests.

Homework: Homework assignments will be presented in class and will generally consist of problems from the required text. The homeworks will not be graded. Instead, quizzes will cover the material and problem solving skills. Even though the homework will not be graded, the homework problems must be done in order to gain mastery of the material and skills necessary for both the quizzes and tests.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be roughly 20 minutes long given in class and will cover the current material. I will drop your two lowest quiz grades to allow for bad weeks and/or absences.

Tests: The class will have two tests as indicated on the syllabus. Each test will cover the material presented since the previous test The tests will be given during classtime.

Final: The final will be held during the time dictated by the Registrar during Exam Week.

Cheating: You are encouraged to work on homework problems with others. However, you must work alone on quizzes and tests. On quizzes and exams you may use only a calculator and writing utensils; I will give you an equation sheet.

Syllabus: Below is the anticipated schedule of what we'll cover. The dates of the tests are fixed; on principle I do not change them so that students can plan for them. Near the end of the semester, I generally have flexibility in what we cover. If you have a preference for what we might cover, please feel free to provide feedback.

Week 1 Jan. 19 Getting Started & Organizing Data   Course Overview; Ch. 1 & 2
Week 2 Jan. 26 Averages and Variation   Ch. 3
Week 3 Feb. 2 Elementary Probability Theory   Ch. 4
Week 4 Feb. 9   Review and Test 1
Week 5 Feb. 16 The Binomial Distribution   Ch. 5
Week 6 Feb. 23 Normal Distributions   Ch. 6 
Week 7 Mar. 2 Sampling Distributions   Ch. 7 
Week 8 Mar. 9 Estimation   Ch. 8
Week 9 Mar. 16   Review and Test 2
Week 11 Mar. 30 Hypothesis Testing  Ch. 9
Week 12 April 6 Regression and Correlation  Ch. 10 
Week 13 April 13 Chi-Square Distribution Ch. 11 
Week 14 April 20   Review & Project Presentations
Week 15 April 27   Study Day
Week 16 April 28-May 4 EXAM Period  

Last updated January 10, 2005.
Steve Liebling (home)