Phys 201: General Physics I Daily Log

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Wednesday, May 13:
    · Equation Sheet for final (PDF)
    · Ch. 11: Q: 14,19,20; P: 73,77,84,87,94,100;
    · Ch. 14: Q: 13,24; P: 76,85,94;
    · Ch. 15: Q: 12*,13,24; P: 66,67,69,74,79,85;
Schedule review session for Wed.
Questions on HW.
Review test.
Tuesday, May 11:
    · HW Ch. 14 Q: 1,2,10;
    · P:1,2,4,5,6,7,9,14,15,21,23,24,30,33,39;
Review and Questions on Ch. 15 Fluids
Ch. 14 Gravity:
    § important on large scales: solar system, galaxies, stars, moon
    § troubles w/ small scales
    § very weak but always positive (?)
    § Newton, Einstein, next?
    § Newton's Law of gravitation:
      · magnitude: F = G m_1 m_2 / r^2
      · direction: attractive on line between 1 and 2
      · G --- Newton's constant 6.67 x 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2
      · Obey's superposition
      · Example: multiple particles vectors
      · Example: two particles, where would force be zero?
Gravity Near Surface of Earth
    § F = mg and F = G m_E m / R_E^2
    § g = GM_E /R_E^2
Shell Theorems:
    § Outside: treat spherical mass as point particle at center
    § Inside: no net force on particle inside spherical dist.
Gravitational Potential Energy:
    § U = \int F dr = -GMm/r
    § Example: three particles
    § Potential energy curve: of earth/spaceship
    § Escape speed v = sqrt{2GM/R}
Tuesday, May 4:
    · HW Ch. 15 Q: 1,3,4,5,7,9;
    · P:1,3,5,8,12,13,23,25,27,29,30,35;
Review and Questions on Ch. 11 Rotation
Ch. 15 Fluids:
    § fluids are important
    § can flow (liquids and gas)
    § characterized by:
      · density: rho=m/V
      · pressure: p = F/A (N/m=Pa)
    § gauge pressure: difference w/ atmospher
Fluids at rest
    § w/ FBD can derive:
      · p_2 = p_1 + rho g (y_1-y_2)
      · p = p_0 + rho g h
      · p_0 atmospheric pressure
    § horizontal dimensions doesn't matter
    § Example: U-tube unknown density
Pascal's Principle
    § change in pressure everywhere (incompressible)
    § delta p = F_i/A_i = F_o/A_o
    § Example: hydraulic lever
Archimede's Principle
    § buoyant force: F_b = m_f g
    § derivation
    § floating
Thursday, April 29:
    · HW Ch. 11 Q: 4,5,7;
    · P: 1,2,5,9,11,21,23,29,33,47,50,51,57;
Hand Back tests, discuss black number (avg test 3: 62%, avg test avg: 76%, quiz avg: 76, black #: 76)
Chapter 11: Rotation
    § Translation versus Rotation
    § angular position: theta = s/r
    § degrees & radians
    § angular displacement: Delta theta
    § angular velocity: omega
    § angular acceleration: alpha
    § constant angular acceleration equations
    § relating angular/linear variables:
      · s = theta * r
      · v = omega * r
      · a_t = alpha r
      · a_r = omega^2 r
    § Kinetic Energy of rotation K = (1/2) I omega^2
    § Moment of Inertia I = Sigma mr^2
    § Torque tau = r F sin phi = I alpha
Tuesday, April 20:
    · Test next Tuesday; Review Thursday
    · Hand back quizzes
    · Equation Sheet for test (PDF)
    · Ch. 7: Q: 14; P: 41,44,47;
    · Ch. 8: Q: 12,13,16; P: 69,70,73ab,72,74,79,89
    · Ch. 9: Q: 12; P: 61, 63a;
Finish Ch. 9
Review Potential Energy Curve
Review Energy/Friction problem
Newton's Laws for a System
Linear Momentum
    § What it is
    § units
    § It's conserved
Thursday, April 15:
    · Test moved to 4/27
    · HW Ch. 8 Q: 7,8,9;
    · P: 36,37,51,54,56,59;
    · HW Ch. 9 Q: 1;
    · P: 1,4,5,6,10,21,27,29,31,32;
Reading Potential Energy Curves
    § turning points
    § equilibrium (stable & unstable)
    § F = -dU/dx
Including friction in energy problems: fd
Ch. 9: Center of Mass
Tuesday, April 13:
    · Quiz Thursday
    · HW Ch. 8 Q: 2,3,4,5;
    · P: 1,2,3,4,6,9,13,16,19;
Potential Energy
    § Energy inherent in configuration of a system
    § Examples: gravitational,elastic, chemical
    § Recognize by the ability of a system to do work
    § Same units as any other energy
    § relative: changes in potential significant
    § change in potential energy is opposite of work done
    § only associate with conservative forces
Path Independence (for conservative forces)
    § gravity U(y) = mgy
    § spring U(y) = 1/2 kx^2
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
    § picture "before" and "after"
    § algebraicaly determine E_i and E_f
    § set equal and solve
Thursday, April 8:
    · HW Ch. 7 Q: 10,13;
    · P: 21,22,25,31,33,35;
Path Invariance of Grav. Work
Work done by a variable force
    § P = W/t
    § P = dW/dt
    § P = vec F dot vec v
    § unit: W = J/s
Group problems
Thursday, April 1:
    · No class Tuesday
    · HW Ch. 7 Q: 2,7,8
    · P: 1,3,4,7,16,17
Hand back tests; discuss black numbers
    § hard to define
    § scalar
    § many forms
    § can change forms
    § defined for system
    § conserved
    § unit: J = kg m^2/s^2
Kinetic Energy
    § energy of motion
    § 1/2 m v^2
    § amount of energy transferred
    § can be positive or negative
    § W = vec F dot vec d
First Energy Theorem: Work-KE Theorem
    § K_f - K_i = W
    § Work done by gravity
Work done by a Spring
    § F = - kx
    § W = \int F dx = 1/2 kx^2
    § P = W/t
    § P = dW/dt
    § P = vec F dot vec v
    § unit: W = J/s
Tuesday, March 23:
    · Omit: 6-3 Drag
    · May be a bit late to lab tomorrow b/c science fair
    · HW Ch. 6 Q: 1a, 2,3,4;
    · P: 1,2,3,37,39
    · Equation Sheet for test (PDF)
    · Ch. 4: Q: 16,22,23; P:69,71,75,81,83,89,90,91;
    · Ch. 5: Q: 13,15,16,18,19,21*; P:57,58,59*,63,67,71,76;
    · Ch. 6: P:61-4
Ch. 5 homework questions
    § friction very complicated; much studied even now
    § difference with kinetic and static friction: not important to me
    § magnitude proportional to normal force
    § direction which opposes motion (don't necessarily need motion)
Uniform Circular Motion
    § centripetal force: force which produces circular motion
    § direction: towards center of circle
    § magnitude: mv^2/R
Thursday, March 11:
    · Have a good Spring Break!
Hand back and go over Quiz 3
Questions on homework.
    § Friction problem: guy pulling crate
    § Newton's Third Law: Equal and Opposite
    § String and knots problem
Group problems
Tuesday, March 9:
    · HW Ch. 5 Q: 3,4,5,9,10,12;
    · P: 3,5,7,11,15,19,27,29,31,33,49,52;
    · HW Ch. 4 Q: 6,9,11,12,13;
    · P: 43,45,49, 51;
Quiz 3
Relative motion in 1D
Ch. 5: Force
    § Where does acceleration comes from?
    § Inertial frames of reference
    § What is mass?
    § Newton's Laws
    § Different forces: weight, normal,friction,tension
    § Newton's Third Law: Equal and Opposite

Thursday, March 4:
HW Questions
Relative motion in 1D
Group problems

Tuesday, March 2:
    · Quiz 3 Thursday
    · HW Ch. 4 Q: 1,3,4,5;
    · P: 3,4,6,9,13,17,19,25,29,35,54;
Return tests
Go over tests, grading method, black numbers, grades
Ch. 4 Basics:
    § x,v,a become vector quantities
    § vectors become more abstract: different units
    § horizontal and vertical motion "decouple"
Falling ball demo
Projectile motion
Uniform circular motion
    § a = v^2/r
    § T = 2 pi r / v
Relative Motion in 1 Dimension

Tuesday, February 24:
    · Test Thursday
    · Equation List for Test 1 (PDF)
Return quizzes

Thursday, February 19:
    · Quiz Today
    · Test next Thursday
    · HW Ch. 3 P: 20, 21, 23, 24
    · Ch. 1: P: 31,37,39, 43
    · Ch. 2: Q: 10,15; P: 67,72,76,77,78,80,83,85,89
    · Ch. 3: P: 40ab,47,48,49,50,51,53
Review vectors, dot product (perpendicular)
Cross product
Group problems

Tuesday, February 17:
    · Quiz Thursday on Ch. 2
    · HW Ch. 3 Q: 9,10
    · P: 29,31,37
    § Representations of a vector: mag/dir,x/y,i/j
    § Practical issues: degree & radians, inverse trig functions
    § Coordinate freedom: adding two vectors
    § Multiplying vectors

Thursday, February 12:
    · HW Ch. 3 Q: 1
    · P: 1,3,5,7,11,13,19
Last question of group problems
Return quizzes
    § Why do we need them?
    § Combine at least two bits of info
    § Can be written in different ways
    § How to add/subtract vectors?

Tuesday, February 10:
    · HW Ch. 2 Q: 5,7,8
    · P: 22,24,25,27,33,35,40,42,45,49
Group Problems from Ch. 2

Thursday, February 5:
    · HW Ch. 1 P: 1,3,4,5,7,10,15,21
    · Ch. 2 Q: 1-4, P:1,3,5,7,11,17,20
    · First Quiz Tuesday (units,math,scientific notation)
Math review: algebra, geometry, trig, derivatives
Ch. 2
    § Describe motion, don't worry about why
    § Position, speed, velocity, and acceleration
    § Graphs

Tuesday, February 3:
    · First day of class
Take roll.
Handout syllabus
What is physics?

Back up to class webpage.

Steve Liebling (home)